Today I had seven stories due by 10:30 a.m. and when I generally arrive at the office around 8:15 after picking up a police report, seven can be a lot. Thought I was doing good by typing three at home last night. Wrong! My morning was thrown off by three shootings that occurred during the weekend. I had to make three different calls to the PD. After turning in my last story at 10:45, thought the day HAD to get better. NOPE! Lord, help me but I had two night meetings tonight after typing up three stories for tomorrow's edition. May not seem like a lot. But, when you don't have lunch, one can get weary. Spent two and a half hours listening to our local school board and city council members discuss gang activity and school related issues. I AM tired. But, the mind is busy.
How many ways did the Lord bless me? That is my current question. Well, I was enabled to meet some people today whom I had spoken to via phone for years and/or months. I am probably the most informed parent who is not a board member or city council member in my community. And, my oldest son was able to sit with me through the regular school board meeting as I wore my hand out writing notes. :) There is something to be said in even the most tiresome of moments. We tend to take the little blessings and disregard them. What we should do is cherish them no matter how insignificant they may seem to the average person because we ARE NOT average. We are blessed children of God, chosen by Christ and loved so deeply that we will never really ever be able to grasp it.
Wow. I can't imagine. You make novel writing seem easy :-)
So, between us, I some times get so busy that squeezing in a couple of pages of handwritten draft has taken some real dedication. :) But, the effort is there no matter the outcome. I find it is therapeutic. I finished Arms of Deliverance, too. :)
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