Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Maybe I am crazy

Just kidding about the title. But, tonight I am sitting here thinking about being "forged by fire." That is what the last couple of weeks have been like. I am hoping that is a positive outlook. Some may think I lack insight into the positive. Especially if I vent. My poor friend listened to me vent for 15 minutes. Her response: "You need a break honey." Okay, perhaps so. I just don't know if there is a break in my forecast. So, I trudge on, saying to myself I will be made stronger through this. I don't know that anyone's life is a bed of roses all the time. I had so many cheerful months recently. Now, is just a small blip on the radar of life. I know God will get me through it. I am not Job, however I find myself turning to the words in the book of Job for insight from the Lord. He knows what is happening and He knows what the end result will be. In the meantime, I am ever-grateful for the constant prayers of those who care about me. I am ever-grateful for the sweet, loving words of my children and most of all I am ever-grateful I have the Father to turn to for comfort.

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