Friday, November 16, 2007

I don't do cold well

This week has been a rough one for me. It has been cold, and I don't like cold much.
I grew up in an alpine community, where one might expect I was quite acclimated. I was. But, it was a different type of cold weather that we experienced in my hometown.
With the high elevation, the cold seemed much drier than the weather we experience in the Lower Yakima Valley?and, I was much younger when I lived in Weed.
Now, as an adult, I find myself constantly donning sweaters and sweatshirts or wearing a coat.
However, I have yet to experience a cold day in the office when my fingers were not icy. When my fingers are as cold as they currently are, it takes me just a little longer to type.
Also, my nose has been icy this week.
Some may attribute this to my gender -- How many times do we hear from spouses that the female is always cold and the male is always hot?
This plays true in my home?I consider my husband to be warm enough that I turn to him to hold my hands in order to warm me up.
He is not appreciative of this, considering my hands shock his system.
However, I know something else about myself. My physician once told me my circulation is slower than some members of the community at large. This, is due to low blood pressure. My blood pressure is not dangerously low. It is still within the "normal" range. But, it is on the low side of "normal."
Therefore, my blood doesn't reach my extremities quite as quickly as would be necessary to keep me from being cold most of the time.
So, out comes the blanket each night, including the summer months, to keep me warm. After all, the thermostat has to be set at a temperature that is comfortable for the majority, whereas I am in the minority.
I am sure God hasn't made me unique in this way...however, for those who know me?you can send me some of those hand warmers and I will be forever indebted to you.

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