Thursday, September 6, 2007

Nice Matters...Really?

I've just been given the "Nice Matters Award" by my friend Christine H.

"This award is for those bloggers who are nice people as well as good friends, provide inspiration to others and are a positive influence on the blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to seven others whom you feel are deserving.”

I appreciate all the wonderful things Christine has said about me and I hope to honor that by continuing in my efforts to be uplifting. I don't always have much time to post on my blog. However, I intend to spend more time and devotion on my "me time," which includes my blog in the near future. God has not always said "yes" to my plans and that is why I say "I intend." I just hope that those who do visit my blogs are touched by my words in some way and God is glorified in everything that I do. May God Bless each person who has been so kind to me since my journey began. :)

I would like to pass this along to my friend Christina at Christina Berry: Posting with Purpose.

She has been very kind and sincere with me, offering me a little laughter amidst some tiresome days. Thank you, Christina, "Nice Matters."

1 comment:

Christina Tarabochia said...

You're too kind! Thank you so much for the award. It goes to show how "fake" connections on something like shoutlife become real relationships in real life. I'm glad to have been a positive part of your last few months!